Sunday, January 16, 2011


Kick: Two Star Blue, 1 Star Violet, 1 Star Blue Cover

Glide: Yes it still is Start Green


  1. Just curious as to where you are out of? I am thinking Northern Minnesota, but just a guess. I am a citizen racer out of Marquette, MI and happened across your blog. Thanks!

  2. Mostly for central MN but watch for Northern Michigan for next week!

  3. Kyia, so are you the WAX4TODAY author, or friend/acquaintance with he/she? I assume you are coming up for the Noquemanon or the Super Tour in Houghton. I am the president of the Noquemanon Trail Network up here that the Noque race takes place on.. The trail is looking sweet!

    Anyways the reason I ask on location is I want to expand my kick wax knowledge outside of SWIX and if I can correlate the selection on this blog to a temp I can put it all together and interpolate to Marquette :-)

  4. hmmm the cat is out of the husband is the author he's coached previously and enjoys having good ski's! He's got quite the wax collection and he enjoys experimenting with kick wax especially. His New Year's Resolution was to use more Finnish Wax so go figure. Yes, we will be up at the Noque, stop by the Hidden Bay Booth on Friday night at the Expo and we can chat about snow humidity, snow structure and other wax lines!
